Picking a great party theme that would blow everyone's mind is undoubtedly one of the toughest steps of party planning. Don't worry, today you're in luck because we are here with 7 wonderful party ideas perfect for shared accommodation. Yeah! Of course, you feel the pressure to make sure that...
India is on the rise & is now the fifth-largest economy in the world. The service industry has flourished in the Indian subcontinent with the country’s cities expanding & the business is booming. The numbers of cities contributing to the rapid urbanisation are multiplying with Tier 2 & Tier...
Colive’s Design Philosophy
Gone are the days when youngsters pursuing new jobs were ready to settle for a tiny room with dingy air, slow fans and no space to move around. These youngsters are smart, bright and fast as the future of the nation is going to be. And they are not...
Technology At Colive
Starting from IT masterminds securing their data with advanced tech to apartment owners securing their properties with CCTV cameras; security has always been one of the first industries to adapt to new technology.  Safety and security are two of the most important aspects of human life. People value safety over...
Cost of Living in Bangalore
  Are you planning to shift to Bangalore to pursue higher studies or start your career? If yes, then there must be a thousand questions flooding in your mind. The most obvious and important being how much money does one need to have...
Best places to live in Bangalore
Bangalore is one of the major metropolitan cities in India. It offers attractive educational and work opportunities for the youth. Every year thousands of career focused youngsters shift to the city and are always on the lookout for the best place to live in Bangalore. However, the hunt for the best...
The professional world is very dynamic in the modern age. Gone are the days when you would have to introduce yourself with a CV or resume in hand and a visiting card to introduce yourself. New jobs, careers or businesses these days are forged digitally and over a cup...
engineering colleges in Bangalore
The 12 standard board exams are knocking hard at the doors, for the aspirants along with the exam pressures there are often ‘n’ number of thoughts boggling their minds, one of them is – What To Study Next. There are so many options to choose from, but before making...
Double Income No Kids, dual income no kids, dinkies, dual income, couples without children
In India, the number of DINK couples is now slowly increasing. It has been observed that around 65% of newly married couples don’t prefer to go for a child, at least for 3-4 years. Both husband and wife show a keen interest in shaping the future of their kids...
Man/Woman Looking For Flats To Rent
Bachelor’s phase of your life is probably the best phase of your life because it is only during this time that you don’t need to worry about your wife/husband’s needs, children’s education, and other similar responsibilities. However, like it is said that everything comes at a price. If you...