Meals for Colive tenants: Definitely not worth missing!
Meals for Colive tenants: Definitely not worth missing! The smell of home cooked food, your mom’s speciality dishes, the perfect taste and the love poured in every bite is all you miss when you start living in a PG. More so because PGs generally don’t give much attention to the...
what is co living
What is Coliving? The 2024 Ultimate Guide to Coliving Concept Welcome to the future of living! As the real estate landscape evolves, a revolutionary concept has taken center stage – Coliving. You've come to the right place if you're wondering, "What is Coliving?".  The benefits of a Co-Living space are truly...
college students, carbon footprint, ecological footprint, how to reduce carbon footprint, reduce carbon footprint, what is carbon footprint
Being in college is about having some of the most interesting and life-changing experiences. College students are at an age where they are filled with passion, they try new things and love the idea of being independent and free. Well in all that, have you heard of Carbon Footprint? To...
Future of paying guest in 2024
The world of accommodation has undergone significant changes, with the rise of co-living spaces and the evolution of traditional paying guest (PG) accommodations. As we enter the future, the concept of paying guest accommodations is poised to experience a transformation that aligns with the changing needs and preferences of...
colive in Nagawara
The hustle culture has driven many youngsters to move to Bangalore. But many of us still desire to stay close to nature and feel the cool breeze while hustling. If you are someone who craves the same, then shifting to a PG in Nagawara would be a perfect choice...
Affordable PGs in Kormangala
Koramangla is one of the largest and coolest diverse neighbourhoods in Bangalore, a familiar place for people from all around the country. The expanding number of startups and businesses has exponentially brought in new crowds to koramangala.    It is a hub for food, cafes, pubs, gaming zones, sports and all...
Colive - Best choice for Bengaluru based working professionals
Bengaluru, being the IT hub of India owns the reputation of attracting IT professionals from all over the country. Getting a job in a reputed firm in Bengaluru is indeed exciting. But the excitement ceases the very moment you have to think about the responsibilities that have already surrounded...
She demands 10 days leave for Diwali, 5 days for Christmas and of course all those bank holidays too. If madam comes in late, you should understand. If she wants to leave early, she has a personal life too and if she breaks your expensive crockery, err is human....
Every city has its charm. Some of them provide educational and professional opportunities, some of them provide a cultural sneak peek, some of them offer a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere and some of them are a perfect mix of them all. Still, everyone has his own set of best...
pg accommodation, Shared living, house share, shared accommodation, co living, shared community living, co living space
Patience is a virtue you can definitely find in a person who lives as a paying guest. These are people who have to reach into their deep pool of patience daily and adjust to the quirky and weird problems that each new day brings. One of the biggest disadvantages reported...