5 Reasons to opt for off-campus accommodation

5 Reasons to opt for off-campus accommodation

College life is synonymous to freedom as during this time you discover what true independence is. The first year in a new college is crucial as you need some time to get accustomed to the university way of life. And this is the reason that most college students prefer switching from college hostel to off-campus accommodation in the second year. If you still have not considered this option then here are 5 reasons that would convince you to give it a thought. Read on:


One of the major perks of off-campus accommodation is the freedom from all the rules and regulations.Unlike on-campus accommodation; there are no fixed meal times and the best part is that you can come and go as per your wish.

Utilities are often a part of your rent

The off-campus accommodation properties provide various utilities like water, electricity, gas, cable, security, Wi-Fi, etc.; the cost of all this being a part of your monthly rent. This goes a long way while budgeting yourself as it gives you a small leeway into saving money. Here at Colive, we not just provide all the necessary amenities but also ensure to keep a check on maintenance and repair work. Colive reviews all its properties on a regular basis to provide you unmatched co-living experience.


A major advantage of living off-campus is privacy. You can choose to stay alone or share space with a fellow student. Students who operate best while being left to their own devices; off-campus accommodation is undoubtedly the best choice for them as well.

A host of amenities

Good amenities play a major role in attracting students for off-campus accommodation.Hence, property managers offer attractive amenities like swimming pool, coffee bars, outdoor grills, breakfast on the go, car parking in addition to basic amenities like communal area, study spaces, and gyms. Colive goes an extra mile by making your weekends more interesting with specially curated events and special workshops for Zumba, Yoga, Kick Boxing, Choreography, Dance & more.

More fun

Off-campus accommodation gives you the freedom to have parties and drink ups as and when you want. You can also enjoy movies and matches with your close group of friends.

So, if are planning to switch to off campus accommodation then Colive can be the best choice not just from student’s perspective but also from parent’s perspective. The major concern of parents is their child’s safety. Hence, Colive properties are equipped with apt safety measures which makes it number one choice of parents as well.