Women Security In India And The Challenge Of Finding A Good Home

Women Security In India, Single Woman Living Alone, Single woman

“Yes, I am a woman and I am single, and what can I do to feel safe in my own country?”

Well, if you are one among those thousands of women who live all by themselves, you surely need to start to think about how to live a safe life. Well, when it comes to women security in India, sadly, it’s worsening at a deafening pace.

Women Security In India, Single Woman Living Alone, Single woman

In one of the most recently conducted perception poll by the Thomson Reuters Foundation, India is the world’s most dangerous country for women due to the high risk of sexual violence. One of the most recent incident that throws a spotlight on the state of women security in India is the new year’s eve episode in Bangalore 2017. This is not all, in the past decade, many similar dreadful incidents have been brought to light by the media. Well, it wouldn’t be wrong to say, today it has become absolutely difficult for a woman to walk or shall we say LIVE freely in this country.

21% Of India’s Female Population Are Single Millennial Woman

Women Security In India, Single Woman Living Alone, Single woman Irrespective of living in the 21st century, a millennium that is dotted with hi-tech technologies and rocket launches, the Indian society and their mindset is sadly lost somewhere in the dark medieval ages.

Single millennial females are believed to contribute to around 21 percent of the country’s female populace and these numbers are steadily rising. Hence there is an increasing need to address and attend women concerns and apprehensions to enhance the women security in India.

Like the men, Females in the country have equal rights to lead a dignified life, a life that is free from all bias and is without the fear of getting sexually or verbally assaulted. Women in India struggle each day for such a life and they face ‘n’ number of problems. Cat-calling, harassment, and inequality are just a few problems to name.

The rising crime rate in the country has made it tough for the woman to walk on the street in the dark and even in broad daylight. In fact, doing even simple daily tasks like going to work, shopping, or home hunting, sends chills to a female’s spine and make them think twice before they make any move.

Read: Uncomfortable Truth Of Single Women Living Alone In India 

Finding A Home – One Frightening Task For A Woman

being a woman, happy women's dayYes, finding a home for a single woman again opens up a number of unanswered question on the women security in India. Looking for decent places for rent is no less than a staggering task for a female. The renting market in real is a big bad place for a woman, and it is dominated and controlled predominantly by the men, hence gender biasedness is widely prevalent. Also, dealing with brokers, PG owners and house-owners leave them unmoved, and on top of that, each one has different plans and rules to offer to the females.

Also, a woman needs to be well prepared for getting rejected and getting judged for being a single and independent woman. And, not being able to find a home because of being a woman is doubly scary.

Hear some woman describing how finding a home is actually double scary for them:


It doesn’t end there, a woman would need to consider an array of factors when choosing the best place to live in, decent housing, facilities, distance, locality and of course, provisions of safety. All-in-all women in our country have to factor in a lot more than men when it comes to finding accommodation.

And Yes, even if a woman manages to find a place to stay. This Room where they stay ensures that THERE IS NO ROOM FOR – FREEDOM | DREAMS | LOVE | INDEPENDENCE | INDIVIDUALITY | EXPRESSION |LIBERTY AND SO MUCH MORE… that it keeps adding for a single woman living alone.

Women Security In India – How Colive Contributes

Women Security In India, Single Woman Living Alone, Single woman Today, there are several single women living alone with their security at stake. Colive aims to reduce the daily despairs of women when it comes to their safety and security concerning their homes.

Colive identifies properties and pairs up with customers (exclusively single women) which are considerably located near their colleges or workplaces. This helps in reducing the overall commuting time for the lady and also ensures they reach back home quick without facing too many hassles on their way back.

Co Living with other like-minded single men and woman, on the other hand, ensures that woman have a ready access to a strong support system. A strong support system would help them fight tough situations in a new land and also settle down smoothly.

Colive actively works to check on the neighborhoods we are operating in, we energetically work towards making the living spaces safe and danger-free. We always try to place women in properties that are located at an appropriate distance from their workplaces and also ensure that comfort and peace are always on their minds with our added facilities. Our residents do not need to run out to find domestic help and pay for utilities, we take care of all that.

Final Thoughts

Women have to face a lot of discrimination by PG and homeowners when it comes to finding a place to stay. But again, that typical stereotypical thinking doesn’t go long way. We at Colive do leave one less thing for the single ladies to worry about, i.e. finding a safe place to stay.