I Love Being A Woman, Even In A Man’s World

being a woman, happy women's day

Yes, living in a man’s world can be difficult, but I don’t mind living in it as long as I can be a woman in it, how many of you would agree with me on this?  Well, as long as you feel proud of being a woman, surviving in a man’s world isn’t really problematic.

A woman is one of the most perfect and beautiful trees planted in the orchard of life by God. Being a woman is priceless, we are just not capable of carrying a life, but also nurturing it. We are the backbone and a guiding force of the society. We endure every role we play with great aplomb, a daughter, sister, wife, mother, daughter in law or a sister in law we take up each one with great pride. While people think we can be great homemakers, we proved we can make great professional careers too and manage both pretty well.


It’s A Man’s World, But Fuelled By Woman


Even in “Man’s world”, there’s a lot woman does for the man in her life. We change our name, change our home, leave our family, move in with our husband, build a new home and family, bear the unbearable pain of childbirth, even the kids we deliver bear their father’s name. Till the day we die, everything we do (cook, clean, take care of family, bring up children, earn, advise, ensure everything is smooth and running) is to benefit the man in our life… many times at the cost of our own health, beauty, and interests. No, we don’t consider this as a favour, but why do men consider this as a WOMAN’S ONLY RESPONSIBILITY? A question that no ‘MAN’ can answer.

I’ve been reflecting on what it means to be a woman in Man’s world – Yes, its sort of difficult, but not impossible. Woman play a remarkable and never-ending role in a Man’s life, and while the world endures being the man’s privilege, its only US who can guide it.


The Debate Continues…


It doesn’t really matter how much you and I may debate over it, but our world endures to be the man’s prerogative. People talk about women’s right, some are even trying to accommodate us better now, letting us be heard and seen more often. But the world is still far away from understanding and imparting the respect a Woman truly deserves.


Old Ways Won’t Open New Doors…


“Be the change you want to see”. To succeed in this world, you have to work hard, be totally committed to what you want, keep on going even when things go wrong and keep strong when people try to trap you or pull you back. Life as a woman can be tough and is not always fair but you are master of your own destiny – do not blame anyone or anything if you do not achieve what you want.

This Woman’s Day, Be Confident, Be Strong and Be You! Happy Women’s Day.