7 Key Tips For Untroubled Small Space Living

Small space living, decorating small spaces, decorating ideas for small spaces, small space solutions

The wait to move out and rent our own living space begins since we are teenagers. We all wish to leave our nest and fly off to unknown regions and make a space for ourselves there. For college, work or personal reasons, you may need to shift from your home and search for accommodations outside your home. This is where co-living works excellently.

Co living eases the idea of sharing rent and other utilities, but you might still have to share the living space with your flatmates. This leaves you with a smaller space which you can call your own. We know we all wish to add a personal touch to our living quarters and when we share it with flatmates sometimes, it feels that this becomes more important, for your self-comfort and efficiency.

So how do you go around ensuring that you get the maximum out of small space living? Just follow these simple tips by our experts and learn all you need to know about small space solutions.


Small Space Living – 7 Tips To Ensure You Don’t Face Jams


1. Keep Things Simple

It is easy to overdo it when you are coming up with decorating ideas for small spaces. It is definitely exciting to walk down the aisle at the store and want to include every other thing for checkout. However, when you are living in shared accommodation, you need to be very careful about the décor. Ensure that you always keep it simple and avoid overdoing it in any way as it might make things more crowded.

2. Keep It Neat

Being organized in your personal life will not only help you make your life more comfortable and efficient but also make the life of your flatmates easy. When you are organized, you tend to put your stuff in order, leaving significant space free of clutter. This makes your personal space seem larger and more spacious. You also feel remarkably relaxed and stress-free when you are able to find things in their right places, whenever you need them.

3. Carry Things That You Need Only

Being minimalistic when sharing rented accommodation is one of the best solutions to organize small living spaces. This trend is increasing worldwide as more and more people realize the benefits of lessened baggage. Carrying things which you actually need will not only help to keep the house/apartment clutter-free but also keep it well-organized. Ensure that whatever you carry comes under the ‘essential’ category and is not simply one of the decorating stuff.

4. Use Light & Neutral Colors

A neutral color palette is considered to be vastly better than bright and bold color schemes for your shared accommodation. If this seems too boring, then you can surely add some patches of brighter color to give it a more personalized touch.

5. De-clutter Often

Small space solutions become most effective only when you realize that it is not the lack of space, rather the excess of stuff, that tend to give your room a smaller and restricted look. Hence, regular de-cluttering is an excellent solution to avoid this scenario. In my experience, the best way to decide which items to get rid of is to determine whether the item has come in use within the past 6 months. If the item hasn’t come in use during this time, then it is highly unlikely to come in use in the future. Remove all such articles from your space.

6. Don’t Forget A Bit Of Life – Plants

One of the best ideas to add life to small spaces is to include plants in your interior decoration. This is an excellent way to add spark and freshness to your room. There are huge varieties when it comes to potted plants that are best-suited for indoor nurturing.

7. Virtually Enlarge Spaces With Mirrors

It is a well-known fact that mirrors are not only for vanity. These are effective in virtually making your smaller space look significantly large. Cover your walls with mirrors and experience the illusion of having created a larger living space for yourself.

These simple 7 expert tips for untroubled small space living will help you to ensure that your new rented/shared accommodations provide you with the comfort and lifestyle you are aspiring for.