When A Digital Nomad Meets Co Living!!!

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So, you are one of those who prefers to move around quicker, someone who works on a laptop and is not bound to one specific location: Well then be prepared for three indispensable struggles of being a DIGITAL NOMAD.

First, you have to constantly look for new places to live, second new places to work from and third struggle to make new friends. But, with the concept of a co living space, these things are usually not much of a problem. Co living for digital nomads is one great and easy option to solve all these issues.


Co Living For Nomadism – A Trend That Is Here To Stay


co living space, digital nomad, co living, co living communities, nomadic lifestyle, digital nomad lifestyle, nomadism, We are slowly moving away from the traditional family constructs, isn’t it? Well, unlike 1960, 72% of all adults in the USA were married, in 2014 the numbers were reduced to 50%. Pew Research Center estimates, by 2015 this number is set to go down to 40%.

Another important fact that we cannot ignore is the rise of remote workers, studies suggest that by 2020 around 40% of all workforce will be based on remote jobs and freelancing. This point throws light on another fact that 90% of all millennial employees go all-out for more flexibility in their jobs. People are becoming less interested in securing that typical 9-5 jobs that offer so call ‘SECURITY’ (in terms of income and environment). Also, this generation switches jobs frequently, as they like to experience different things and challenge themselves.

There will be more than 1 billion digital nomads in this world by 2035, and these people live with different values, they want freedom and flexibility more than a guaranteed job. Owing to these facts, one thing is clear that there is a lot of potential for co-living spaces for digital nomads.


The Nomadic Lifestyle


co living space, digital nomad, co living, co living communities, nomadic lifestyle, digital nomad lifestyle, nomadism, Yes, they work on laptops and like to be free from boundaries and restrictions. But how is this possible? Most likely it is, as such people stereotypically pick up professions which are not time or location bounded. For example, banking and finance, these are a big no for them as it confines their personal working hours to the work hours of the company.

So, digital nomads choose professions that can be executed independently and have no time restrictions. Programmers, graphic designers, copywriters, online marketers are few examples. Picking such professionals allows a nomad to follow a flexible work schedule and also eliminates the need to go to the office. They are never up for that typical 9-5 jobs, they like to work anytime and at any place – can be in a coffee shop at 3 PM, at the beach at 5 PM, and on their bed in the middle of the night.

Nomadic Lifestyle Is Quite Cool Isn’t It?


Accommodation Hallucinations


co living space, digital nomad, co living, co living communities, nomadic lifestyle, digital nomad lifestyle, nomadismBeing Asked Where You’re Based – Is one question that most nomads find funny.

Digital nomad likes getting wherever they want and constantly experience new things. But then there are problems that come along, they aren’t fixed to one single home for long. They keep on travelling and work online and still make a lot of money.

Hence finding an accommodation can be one daunting task for the first timers, time-consuming one for the experienced ones and can also raise the risks of swelling your living costs if wrong decisions are made. Can Co Living make things easy?


Read: Is Co living More Pocket Friendly than Shared Accommodation?


When Digital Nomad Meets Co Living


co living space, digital nomad, co living, co living communities, nomadic lifestyle, digital nomad lifestyle, nomadism, Co Living isn’t new, this idea of shared living has been around for years now. People from different walks of life, live together in the same apartment or house and share the same facilities and part of their life.

One of the most prominent issues Co Living solves for the Digital nomads is the challenge of finding homes and moving out of it when they wish to.

Location-independent individuals of diverse types come together and live and work in co living spaces today. The best part is the community of like-minded people who share similar priorities, goals, values and work attitudes.

For that reason, CoLive’s specially designed homes seem just perfect a digital nomad. There are proper working spaces with desks and the most important – Fast and Reliable Internet.

Nope, Co Living isn’t about designing that typical office atmosphere at home. Co living spaces are unique as they are creatively designed, hence they have the charm of a home and the feasibility and comfort to work in it. Also, these shared houses are independent apartment sometimes even villas with great amenities, like common chill-out areas, swimming pools, gyms, hammocks and even pool tables.

Contact us at www.colive.com or call us at 7676000500.


Co Living Is The Future


Co-living is a great way of digital nomad accommodation. Even though this concept is still in its nascent stages, it is still quite promising. For Digital nomads it’s a perfect opportunity to live together, work together and hang out together – Its More about EXPERIENCING LIFE WITHOUT MAKING COMPROMISES.