4 Reasons Why You Should Live Close to Work

Reasons Why You Should Live Close To Work

Have you ever thought about how long your workday is? If you think it starts from the time you reach your office and ends when you leave it, you’re wrong! Won’t it be a great idea if you could live close to work and save a lot of time that you waste in travelling every day?

Your workday actually starts the minute you leave the house and lasts until you’re back. You may only spend eight or nine hours in the office but once you start taking your commute into consideration, you arrive at a grand total.

Researches show that Indians travel an average of one and a half hour each way to work. That’s 180 minutes a day, 18 hours a week and 45 days a year. Feel like it’s too much time to be spending in a cramped up car stuck in a suffocating gridlock? We think so too.

Here are 5 reasons why living near work will make life easier

Improve Personal Health

Have you ever had a bad morning that caused a bad day?

Yep! That’s what happens when you have to battle through loud, slow-moving traffic every day to get to work and back.  Studies prove that having to go through traffic every day consistently causes a tremendous amount of pressure and stress to the mind and body. This stress may affect your daily activities and dent the effectiveness of the duties you are performing. Chronic stress is also known to cause misunderstandings in personal relationships. Moving to live close to work will not only help reduce this stress but will improve the overall quality of life and personal health by creating work and home life balance and providing more time for relationships.

Save Money on Fuel

Whether you choose to be mindful about it or not, most working professionals end up spending a fortune on commute and conveyance. What’s the point of working hard and making money if you’re going to splurge massive portions of it just to get to and fro? Living close to work will not only save you time but will save you money that you could be using for something more important.  It can also pave the way to a healthier life by making it possible to walk to work every day.

Become a Better Employee

If you are in top management, you would understand the pain of seeing your employees coming in an hour late every day and packing up at the stroke of the clock. No management likes an ineffective and unpunctual resource. By shifting and living close to work, you will not only be able to get to your meetings on time but will also be able to concentrate more on your daily tasks and be a better employee.

Reduce Pollution

The conversation of making the world a better place for future generations is becoming louder every day even though most of us have no idea how we could contribute effectively. By moving closer to work and minimising the usage of private transportation, we could reduce the number of vehicles on the street and ultimately the pollution caused by them.

Out of the three major resources of our lifetime- Time, Money and Energy, time is said to be the most important because once you lose it, you can never retrieve it. A resource that valuable shouldn’t be treated less and splurged on unproductive activities.  In a city like Bangalore, living near work can prove to be an effective step to reduce stress, manage time more efficiently and also to make more time for ourselves.

Here are a few things you could be doing instead of fighting the traffic every day if you lived at Colive’s iconic Signature Towers.

  • Catching up with your friend or fellow Colivers for a morning cup of coffee at the cafeteria and discuss the news of the day.
  • Start your day with a pumped-up workout session on which you’re not constantly worried about being late for work.
  • Have a morning reading session at the in-house co-working space or one of our welcoming foyers.
  • Grab all the groceries at the in-house Big Basket Instant vending machine and cook yourself a nice breakfast before work.
  • Ditch your worries about getting a cab to work and just get a Yulu from the station at the gate to have an eco-friendly commute.

The luxurious co-living facility- Signature Towers is located in the Doddenakundi locality in the silicon valley of India. It is in close proximity to major corporate powerhouses like Amazon, Samsung, Google, Visa and tech hubs like Bagmane Tech Park, Bagmane World Technology center and more. So why don’t you move to a Colive and live close to work and enjoy a life where you’ll have time for yourself?

So if you’re looking for a better and closer rented accommodation to work, you know where to head!