Give Your Shared Room A Makeover With These Ideas

10 Budget-friendly Ideas To Makeover Your Shared Room

Longing an independent life is everyone’s need these days. Whether you’re a student or a working person, you’ll have to move out of the comforts of your hometown someday to lead an independent life. And, most importantly the obvious reason behind it would making your career. Deciding on shifting to a PG, a shared room or an apartment will be the new choice to make, you’ll come across next. 

Depending upon the career you’ve pursued and your job location, you’ll have to shift to a new and unfamiliar town. But your challenges do not end there! 

Brace yourself for the challenge of finding a suitable home for you. First of all, you’ll cross paths with the issue of finding an abode located near your office. Looking out for a home near one’s workplace is the most urgent need because believe me if you live in metropolitan cities like Bangalore you’ll find yourself stuck in heavy traffic jams for hours. The second issue is finding a budget-friendly home that should not only be pocket-friendly but also with basic amenities. But finding a suitable home fulfilling both these conditions will be really hard. Then you’ll be left with no choice other than settling down for a PG or a shared room for your personal space.

Your personal space — this may sound like a dream come true! We’ve all felt this need while growing up. Your personal space with your own set of home accessories like a bed, a cupboard, a study table, and much more. This may have become a reality when it was your own home and your parents being the ones providing it with. But, living in a strange place and among strange people, you will be the one tasked with staging your personal space, whether it’s a PG or a shared room. Yet, you’ll often find yourself stricken with homesickness and facing a common dilemma of luxury vs budget when thinking of giving your shared room a makeover.

But, don’t worry! We here at Colive, today bring to you awesome ideas to give your shared room a new makeover to give it a homelike touch!

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Low-Budget Ideas To Stage Your Personal Space Or Shared Room

Space and a pre-planned budget can be big constraints when deciding on what new additions to your shared room in order to make it comfier. But, our low-budget makeover ideas will surely work for you if you’re facing these issues too. So, without further delay, let’s dive in. 

1. Decorate Your Room’s Window with Saplings

Decorate The Window Of Your Shared Room with Saplings

Being eco-friendly isn’t just a trend today but a need more. News headlines often show how much damage we cause to nature every day. Environmentalists have taken a stand worldwide and now it’s our chance to do the same. So why wait? Much-like pets, adopt a sapling, nurture it water every day, and bring yourself a step closer to nature. 

It is often suggested by experts that keeping plants can bring-in more positivity in the air around them. Issues like everyday stress at workplaces and loneliness — all can be evaded with this small step of yours. You can find a lot of plant nurseries around you if you live in towns like Bangalore, Chennai or Hyderabad. 

So get yourself a sapling like Money Plant, Areca Palm, Aralia or Spider Plant and plant it in a vase or pot or make your DIY pot with plastic bottles. You can place your saplings anywhere in your PG or shared room — in the corners or near the windows. 

2. Bring-in Wall Stickers and Posters To Decorate Your Shared Room

Bring-in Wall Stickers and Posters To Decorate Your Shared Room

Most PGs or shared rooms come furnished when you rent them. They come with their own set of beds, wardrobes, and a study table. They also come painted according to your owner’s choice. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that you might like the staging of your room too. Often you aren’t allowed to paint the walls in the color of choice or even change the position of your bed or the cupboard as per your rental agreement. Then all you’re left with is the choice of putting stickers or posters on your walls and doors to give them a homely touch. 

Shop around a bit for good wall stickers and posters — either you can go out to some nerdy stores near you or go for online retailers. Your stickers or posters can be framed or you can even bring-in your creativity to make your DIY frames with cardboard or popsicle sticks. Bring in posters of different sizes, whatever suits the walls and doors of your shared room or PG.

These posters and stickers can also come under different genres — music bands like Pink Floyd, superhero comic characters, pop culture movies, and many more. Go, personalize your walls — it’s your own choice! 

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3. Make A DIY Wardrobe Yourself

Make Your DIY Wardrobe For Your Shared Room

PGs and shared rooms in and around metropolitan cities come with basic amenities like a wardrobe. But, these may not be enough to store all your stuff, suiting your requirement. And, depending upon how spacious your shared room is, you might want to buy an additional piece of furniture. 

As a solution to your problem, you can bring in a little creativity and make your DIY wardrobe. You will need some old carton or plastic boxes, some glue, a pair of scissors, and some acrylic paint of your choice. Put the boxes together, cut the flaps, glue them together, and paint them with the colors you like. You can even cover your personalized DIY cupboard with wrapping papers. And there you go!

4. Get More Cushions In Your Shared Room

Get More Cushions For Your Shared Room

Cushions, pillows, a bedsheet, a mattress, and a comfy blanket are your basic requirements when you decide to get yourself your personalized space to rest. Most PGs and shared rooms provide them to you, but buying some more additional cushions can make your sleep more comfortable and cozy. 

These cushions wouldn’t only make your sleep better but also will give your room a new makeover. You can get a lot of trendy and designer cushions online or buy them at the nearest stores around you. 

5. Light Up Your Shared Room With Lamps And Fairy Lights

Light It Up Lamps And Fairy Lights For Your Shared Room

We have long believed that fairy lights and series bulbs could make anything look better. It could even enhance the appearance of a useless glass bottle, making it gleam at night. And, it’s true — whether it is a festival like Christmas or Diwali, or any special family function, a little decoration with lights and lamps, spice-up the ordeals. And, the same can be said about your shared rooms. 

A little touch of lamps and fairy lights can have a huge impact on the overall appearance of your room. All you need to do is decorate your walls or windows with fairy lights of your choice and plug it in. And there you have it, all boredom of your room gone with a touch of fairy lights available at an affordable price in marketplaces. You can even put them around a chart board and pin-in your favorite family photographs.

6. Show Your Creativity, Reuse Old Bottles And Plastics

We were told the three principles of reuse, reduce, and recycle in our school textbooks — a small lesson to reduce pollution. Plastic waste is a major threat to nature and many environmentalists have taken on it. And even you can extend a helping hand with a little creativity. 

The basic plastic waste you can find around you is plastic bottles. With your creative mind, you can easily put it to a good ‘re-use’. You can use it to make a pen stand, kitchen containers, piggy banks, and much more. Using a bit of creativity, you can easily make your PG or shared room more organized.

7. Get Yourself A Small Couch

A Small Couch Can Be A Good Option For Your Shared Room

After long working hours at your workplace, all you are a couple of hours of good rest. But, if you aren’t in a mood to sleep, all you need is a small couch, a bean bag or a recliner to rest upon. 

Though most PGs provide you with a bed, a wardrobe, and a study-table, a small couch can be an added benefit you can pursue, with a small investment. This would make your PG or shared room look great and can even act as a space to sit when your friends come over. 

8. Get A Bedside Table If Your Shared Room Lacks One

Bedside Table To Keep Small Stuff In Your Shared Room

Does your shared room have a study table, where you can study or keep stuff? If not, you should probably consider getting yourself at least a bedside table where you can keep your small stuff like keys, bedtime books, your cellphone, and glasses. This will not only enhance the makeover of your room but also will give you an additional space to keep your stuff organized. You can even go for a bedside table with additional storage units or a chest of drawers. 

Moreover, if your shared room isn’t spacious enough, you can always go for a laptop or bed table. You can make a comfy workspace for you using it while working from home!

9. Small Kitchen Appliances

Small Kitchen Appliances Will Surely Help If You Live In A Shared Room

Though most PGs promise to provide you with two or three meals a day, the kitchen is an important factor to consider when moving to a PG. This factor should especially affect the people who are fond of cooking. What if your shared room doesn’t have a proper kitchen where you can enjoy your favorite weekend hobby of cooking? 

As a solution to this problem, you should consider buying small kitchen appliances like a small refrigerator, a tea maker, or a microwave oven. This small investment can add to your small kitchen needs, at the same time giving your shared room a new makeover of a studio apartment. You can place small appliances like tea maker and microwave oven over your bedside table, giving it a more alluring look. If you consider buying a small refrigerator, it can play two roles — one of a bedside table and the other of a food storage unit.

10. Smart Storage Ideas

Smart Storage Ideas For Your Shared Room

Some PGs and shared rooms aren’t too spacious when compared to a flat or studio apartment. Yet, depending upon your budget, shared rooms can become your obvious choice. Then again if you have a lot of stuff including clothes, shoes, and books your room may appear totally cramped. So, what do you need to do?

All you need here are smart storage ideas. If your room doesn’t have ample storage space you can consider buying collapsible shelves, easily available on all major e-commerce websites. You can arrange all of your clothes in there along with your extra pair of shoes. For books, you can buy floating shelves that can be put on walls and will give your room a clean and organized appearance. You can even keep unwanted stuff like suitcases and trolleys under your bed. 

Shifting to a new city, longing for an independent life or for pursuing your career is the need of most youths in India today. But, due to budget constraints, they have to move to a PG or take a shared room. Though this step may help them save money it can often make them feel homesick. Giving your room a small makeover, with a small investment can prove to be helpful then. With these 10 budget-friendly ideas, you can easily give your shared room a home-like staging. These ideas will definitely prove to be helpful, not only fitting your budget but also will make you feel that you’re living within the comforts of your home. 

Want a shared room experience, fitting your budget along with premium amenities? Explore a variety of options with premium amenities available in Bengaluru only on Colive.