Offers at Colive to help maximize your savings

Offers at Colive

Offers at Colive to help maximize your savings

The new month starts and you desperately wait for the message that holds the power to bring wide smile on your face. And Bingo! Finally your salary gets credited and you just cannot hold your happiness. What next? Next comes the expenses that quite often than not have large chunk of your salary exhausted even before your reach mid of the month. Hence your salary does not last even till the end of month; leave alone savings.

In order to maximize your savings, you must search ways to reduce your monthly expenses. By the way; do check out the offers at Colive; a sure shot way to save on your accommodation cost. To further help you out; colive team has listed some tips that can prove really helpful in ensuring ample monthly savings:

Top 3 ways to maximize your monthly savings:

Set a monthly budget

Budgeting is one of the best ways of saving money. But what happens is that people end up spending all of their earning without realizing that their salary ends much before the month ends.So,calculate your monthly expenses and then allocate a suitable amount from your monthly earning for the expenses to save yourself from going overhead.

Goal-oriented saving

Set clear goals in life for which you wish to save money. The goal could be anything ranging from buying an iPhone to purchasing a flat or even planning a trip. And when you are close to achieving the set goal; you would strive hard to save even more each month to accomplish it.

Cut down irrelevant expenses

While some expenses like food, rent and groceries are absolutely necessary; there are certain expenses that can be avoided if you truly aim for increased savings. You can avoid impulsive shopping and frequently eating out to cut down expenditure.

If you are looking for a PG or coliving space in Bangalore, then do check out the offers at Colive website. You can apply the relevant discount codes while booking online to avail awesome discounts on monthly rental. Happy Coliving!!