Searching for Paying Guest Accommodation
Congratulations. So, you have landed your dream job! The future looks awesome and you have stars in your eyes. Wait, there is a catch. It involves moving to a new city. It could be Ba single room PG in Bangalore for boys and girls ngalore, Hyderabad or Chennai or Pune. That’s...
Colive, India's premier prop-tech platform for rental housing, has announced the launch of Gurukool, a college student-focused venture. Gurukool is a community-building initiative that hosts in-house events and contests in areas such as sports, gaming, talent shows, holiday festivities, karaoke, and DJ nights. There are groups for like-minded people...
Hybrid work models, particularly remote working, have been driven by global pandemics unintentionally. This could completely change how we work. It will be up to business leaders to decide whether working from home will remain a part of their business model in the future. Employees have benefited from a...
Benefits of Chatbots in PG Customer Support
Introduction In the fast-paced world of Paying Guest accommodations, where tenants seek seamless and instant solutions, the integration of chatbots into customer support has emerged as a game-changer. This shift towards 24/7 assistance through chatbots not only enhances the overall tenant experience but also brings a myriad of benefits to...
Unlike previous generations, for whom owning a home was an essential life ambition, millennials value access to experiences and a sense of community over property ownership. While the concept of community living is not new, it is millennials’ lifestyle choices that bring them together in co-living places. Barbecue parties, movie...
Finding the perfect paying guest (PG) accommodation is a crucial step for many students and young professionals in a new city like Bangalore. While the search for the right PG can be exciting, it's equally important to understand the significance of a well-drafted PG rental agreement.  In this detailed blog,...
Lent co-working and co-living facilities are upending business society’s established notions. They’re getting more popular as the technology allows people to work from home, and the thought of working in a space with like-minded people with endless networking opportunities appeals to many people. There are designated co-working areas in...
Cost of Living in Bangalore
C ool new concept O f communal L iving that offers I ndividuals a V ery good opportunity to E xperience affordable living with no compromise Co-living is a concept of community living with like-minded people who have common interests. It is getting popular among the new generation who are starting life in a new...
Co-living first appeared in the 1970s in Denmark. It was called co-housing. In order to create this perfect neighborhood, they brought together 35 families, interacting and sharing their social circles, common areas, and philosophies. As of 2021, living in co-housing will become one of the trendiest ways to live....
Kundalahalli is located in Bengaluru's eastern suburbs, away from the city's hustle and bustle, making it a great place to live in a green setting. One of the main demand drivers in this area is the upcoming metro Phase-2 line between Kundalahalli and Whitefield.    Gayatri Ocean Blue, Mahaveer Maple, Prism...