5 Rental Challenges and How Coliving is the Ultimate Solution to Them?


When you decide on living outside your hometown it is that big moment in your life you had been eagerly awaiting for years. But, are you truly prepared for staying outside your hometown for the first time? Are you ready to face the many rental challenges that follow when you take this ultimate step?

These questions may seem discouraging to most youngsters but believe us, this is a major decision that has the potential to disrupt your entire life. You have stayed with your parents and family members for long, who have provided you with everything you need throughout your life. But there are many pros and cons of leaving your hometown behind.

Living outside your hometown can be full of challenges like deciding on where to stay, whom to stay with, and what to eat? And even if you are sure that you are prepared for staying outside your hometown, you might be surrounded by many challenges. As you will definitely search for a good and affordable place to lives, many rental challenges are obvious. 

The first challenge will be to look for a place to stay. Since this is your first time in a new city, you will need to consider factors such as budget, location, and many others. The next challenge is to think about food. What will you be eating and where will you be eating?

Budgeting too will be one of the rental challenges you will surely come across once you decide on staying outside your hometown. This is because as a first-time earner, you will need to step into the arena of several dilemmas between luxuries and necessities. And if you are a student, things will differ widely as well. You will have to look out for a cheap stay depending upon your budget as you will still partially be dependent on your family to finance it. 

There can be many rental challenges once you shift to a new city when you move outside your hometown. Some may just be based on budget, while others may fall under location and availability of major amenities as you wouldn’t surely want to waste your money on renting a home with little to no basic amenities needed to live peacefully. There are other rental challenges that follow as well. We will surely discuss them in detail down below, but let’s focus on the concept of coliving first.

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Coliving is a brand new concept which is taking the world by storm. As the name suggests, Coliving means community living or in other words, it is a community where like-minded people living together. Preferred over PGs and apartments by millennials and the working people in big cities like Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Pune, coliving is helping them get affordable rental homes in prime locations near their workplaces with premium amenities. 

Now that we have known the concept of Coliving, let’s discuss in detail about the major rental challenges and how coliving can be the ultimate solution towards them.

Major Rental Challenges and how Coliving comes to your rescue? 

1. Budget and Affordability


Budget is one of the major rental challenges that you come across once you move to a new city. It should always be considered a safe option for you staying outside your home as you now are on your own. Not only making a budget, but you should also abide by it as you do not want to spend too much on luxury and consider the necessities first.

And, looking for a place to stay is one of those necessities. But finding a perfect home to live might not always come with affordability. If you don’t believe us, just think of living near your workplace in cities like Bangalore, New Delhi, and Mumbai. 

But coliving in such cities can be a safer option against such rental challenges. Coliving homes surely come with premium amenities at an affordable price, thus helping you save a ton every year. 

2. Location

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Moving to a new city means relocating to a brand new place and this might fall hard on your pocket. When you move to a new city because of your new job, you would definitely want to live near your workplace. This makes it easy to commute and even helps you save a lot of money. And, believe us travelling to your workplace, if you live far away, you wouldn’t want to experience the long traffic jams during the peak hours of the day!

Thus, location becomes one of the major rental challenges for any newbie. Moreover, if you consider living close to your workplace, you might hardly find an affordable rental space. 

Much-like the previous challenge of affordability, Coliving can surely help you out if you are looking for affordable living in premium locations. Coliving homes are generally located near buzzing locations, near major corporate offices and IT Parks in the city. 

3. Availability of Basic Amenities

Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

Though today cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, and Delhi come with a variety of rental options, they surely do not come with all necessary amenities. Even if their rent is low, they might lack in the most basic amenities. 

And, when you decide on moving to a new city, you would definitely look for a budget home with all necessary amenities. Thus, availability of basic amenities automatically becomes one of the major rental challenges for you in cities like Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad. 

But by choosing coliving as your preferred rental option, you can surely evade such rental challenges. Coliving homes are specially designed to match the needs of all millennials with modern interiors and facilities like food, gyms, spas, cinema rooms, and all other amenities any working professional could ever hope for.

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4. Safety is the biggest concern


Safety is also an important factor to consider when moving to a new city outside your hometown and one of the major rental challenges across most rental spaces in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and other cities. 

While local landlords and brokers can’t promise you a safe place to stay, Coliving homes can surely make your stay safe and secure as these come with modern safety features and tech-enabled lock system to make you feel safer. Moreover, some coliving spaces also are exclusively built for women residents so that even they can feel safer in their work cities.

5. Not sure whom you would be living with?

roommate relationships

Where would you be living in? Would be living alone? And, if not which kind of roommates would you prefer living in with? —  these are one of the basic questions when shifting to a new town. Thus, finding an ideal roommate too becomes one of the major rental challenges as you can’t change your room every time you end with an unfavourable roommate.

But Coliving is a concept which has been built on the principle of community living and thus helps in evading rental challenges like finding an ideal roommate. Some major players in the coliving industry even provide you with the option to choose a like-minded roommate with similar interest. 

Deciding on staying outside your hometown can be an important step in your life which has the potential to both disrupt your life positively or negatively. But taking into consideration the above rental challenges, Coliving surely seems to be a safer step towards finding suitable, affordable housing options with premium facilities across big cities in the country.

Moving out of your hometown and looking for a proper place to stay? Why not consider Colive your ideal partner in your quest for a proper budget home with premium amenities at an affordable price. We not only provide you with an affordable place to stay but also help them build their community —  a home outside their hometown, evading all rental challenges! 

Visit the website of Colive to know more!